Welcome to IAmHopeNow, IAmHopeNow is a 501(c)3 IRS qualified nonprofit organization that aims to improve the lives of people in our communities. We partner with generous donors who share our vision of a healthier and greener future. Our missions are:

1. FARM FRESH FOOD BANK INITIATIVE. We deliver fresh and nutritious meals to children in need at local schools. We source our food from local farms and prepare them in individual boxes that are easy to grab and go. We believe that every child deserves access to quality food that supports their academic success.

2. GO GREEN & SAVE ENERGY INITIATIVE (and save the planet also) We provide resources to homeowners who want to make their homes more energy efficient. We help them find grants, incentives, and programs to pay for home improvements that can lower their energy bills and reduce their environmental impact. We also offer free home energy audits to identify the best options for improving their home's performance.

IAmHopeNow is more than just a name. It is a promise to our communities that we are here to help them thrive. Join us today and become a part of our hope-filled movement!

Mailing: 4079 Governor Drive, 271, San Diego, CA 92122 Corporate Headquarters: 1001 S. Main Street, Kalispell, MT 59001

Customer Service 406-720-8860 admin@iamhopenow.org © 2023 Copyright IAMHOPENOW